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When to Play Defence and Offence in Trading?

When to Play Defence and Offence in Trading?

The journey of trading, whether in forex, stocks, or cryptocurrencies, is often likened to a game. And like any game, the strategies of offence and defence come into play. Traders must navigate periods of opportunity and risk with precision, constantly asking themselves, “When should I take an aggressive stance, and when is it better to protect my assets?”

Notizie 2024-10-13 08:30
GCEX Introduces Market Data Feed Covering CFDs, FX, and Cryptos

GCEX Introduces Market Data Feed Covering CFDs, FX, and Cryptos

GCEX, a brokerage, has announced the introduction of a new and enhanced market data feed solution.

Notizie 2024-10-13 08:00
Italy’s CONSOB Orders Blocking of More Unauthorized Investment Websites

Italy’s CONSOB Orders Blocking of More Unauthorized Investment Websites

Italy's Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has continued its efforts to crack down on unauthorized financial services by ordering the blocking of access to eight new websites offering illegal investment services. The latest action is part of a broader regulatory initiative aimed at protecting Italian investors from fraudulent operators in the financial market.

Notizie 2024-10-12 16:42
SEC Charges Norman Meier with Multi-Million Dollar Securities Fraud

SEC Charges Norman Meier with Multi-Million Dollar Securities Fraud

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has brought charges against Norman V. Meier, a Massachusetts resident, accusing him of orchestrating a multi-million dollar securities fraud that targeted investors in Europe and the United States.

Notizie 2024-10-12 16:39
Warning against Exclusive Markets

Warning against Exclusive Markets

Recently, the Securities Commission Malaysia warned against an unauthorized broker called Exclusive Markets. The authority stated that the firm is carrying on unlicensed capital market activities dealing in securities. This move is aimed at protecting investors and promoting a more inclusive and competitive market environment.

Esposizione 2024-10-11 17:59
TD Bank Fined $3B, Pleads Guilty in Money Laundering Case

TD Bank Fined $3B, Pleads Guilty in Money Laundering Case

TD Bank pleads guilty and agrees to a $3B fine for money laundering. The largest penalty for a bank; requires compliance upgrades and asset caps to prevent future issues.

Notizie 2024-10-11 17:07
IMC Financial Markets Fined $1.2 Million for CAT Reporting Failures

IMC Financial Markets Fined $1.2 Million for CAT Reporting Failures

IMC Financial Markets has agreed to pay a $1.2 million fine as part of a settlement with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) following failures in its Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) reporting obligations. The violations spanned from June 22, 2020, when the obligation first came into effect, until June 30, 2023.

Notizie 2024-10-11 15:44
CFTC, DOJ, SEC First Coordinated Action on Carbon Fraud Case

CFTC, DOJ, SEC First Coordinated Action on Carbon Fraud Case

CFTC, DOJ, and SEC announced its first coordinated federal action against voluntary carbon market fraud involving CQC, highlighting the need for stricter regulation of carbon offsets.

Notizie 2024-10-11 15:44
Cumberland DRW Faces SEC Charges for Unregistered Crypto Asset Dealings

Cumberland DRW Faces SEC Charges for Unregistered Crypto Asset Dealings

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed charges against Chicago-based Cumberland DRW LLC for operating as an unregistered dealer in crypto assets valued at over $2 billion, allegedly in violation of federal securities laws

Notizie 2024-10-11 15:37
86-Year-Old Sentenced for Crypto Ponzi Scheme Fraud

86-Year-Old Sentenced for Crypto Ponzi Scheme Fraud

David Kagel, 86, a former Beverly Hills lawyer, has been sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay $14 million after pleading guilty to orchestrating a crypto Ponzi scheme.

Notizie 2024-10-11 15:17
BotBro Review 2024

BotBro Review 2024

BotBro is an AI-based forex trading robot that operates without valid regulation or evidence of authorization from regulatory bodies. Engaging with unregulated entities in the financial industry carries inherent risks, including the potential for fraud and unethical practices. It is essential to prioritize regulated options that comply with industry standards and provide investor protection.

Esposizione 2024-10-11 14:56
CSC Futures Fined $4.95 Million for AML Failures by HK Regulator

CSC Futures Fined $4.95 Million for AML Failures by HK Regulator

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong has taken disciplinary action against CSC Futures (HK) Limited (CSC), imposing a fine of $4.95 million for significant lapses in adhering to anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations.

Notizie 2024-10-11 14:49
Robinhood Reaches $10B in IRA Assets Since Launch in 2023

Robinhood Reaches $10B in IRA Assets Since Launch in 2023

Robinhood reached $10B in IRA retirement assets since 2023, powered by IRA matching contributions and strong user growth, revolutionizing retirement investing options.

Notizie 2024-10-11 12:00
Post your ideas daily & Win 115 USD

Post your ideas daily & Win 115 USD

Welcome to our #clockin topic check-in event today! Whether you are an experienced or novice in the foreign exchange market, this is the best platform for you to improve your skills and exchange experiences. Join us and let's clock in together to explore the infinite possibilities of the foreign exchange market!

Notizie 2024-10-10 18:50
FBI and SEC Crackdown on Market Makers in Cryptocurrency Fraud

FBI and SEC Crackdown on Market Makers in Cryptocurrency Fraud

FBI and SEC charge 18 individuals in cryptocurrency fraud, exposing wash trading, pump and dump schemes, and $25M in seized assets in the U.S., UK, and Portugal.

Notizie 2024-10-10 17:41
Check whether it's IC GBLOBAL or IC Markets Global?

Check whether it's IC GBLOBAL or IC Markets Global?

It’s a warning for all the traders and investors. Don’t get confused with fake-unauthorized IC GBLOBAL MARKET FX LIMITED and legitimate IC Markets Global. Recently, the UK’s regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), issued a warning against IC GBLOBAL and shared unauthorised firm details. Read the details below and be aware.

Notizie 2024-10-10 17:27
Marex Expands FX Services with Hamilton Court Acquisition

Marex Expands FX Services with Hamilton Court Acquisition

Marex announces the acquisition of Hamilton Court Group to enhance foreign exchange services and broaden market reach in the UK and Europe.

Notizie 2024-10-10 16:58
Interactive Brokers and SNB Capital Open Saudi Market to Global Investors

Interactive Brokers and SNB Capital Open Saudi Market to Global Investors

Interactive Brokers Group Inc has joined forces with Saudi Arabia's SNB Capital to offer international investors direct access to the Saudi Exchange.

Notizie 2024-10-10 16:34
Revolut Offers Free Remittances for Colombians

Revolut Offers Free Remittances for Colombians

Revolut aims to enhance its presence in Colombia by offering free remittances and applying for a banking license, targeting consumers and businesses alike.

Notizie 2024-10-10 16:25
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Pepperstone: Is It Trustworthy?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Pepperstone: Is It Trustworthy?

In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive examination of Pepperstone, delving into its key features, fees, safety measures, deposit and withdrawal options, trading platform, and customer service. WikiFX endeavours to provide you with the essential information required to make an informed decision about utilizing this platform.

Notizie 2024-10-10 16:18

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