In quanto piattaforma indipendente di servizi di informazione di terze parti, WikiFX si impegna a fornire agli utenti servizi completi e obiettivi di richiesta di informazioni normative sui rivenditori. WikiFX non partecipa direttamente ad alcuna attività di trading in valuta estera, né fornisce alcuna forma di raccomandazione sui canali di trading o consulenza sugli investimenti. La valutazione dei trader di WikiFX si basa su informazioni oggettive provenienti da canali pubblici e tiene pienamente conto delle differenze nelle politiche normative nei diversi paesi e regioni. Le valutazioni dei trader sono il prodotto principale di WikiFX. Ci opponiamo fermamente a qualsiasi pratica commerciale che possa danneggiarne l'obiettività e l'imparzialità e accogliamo con favore la supervisione e i suggerimenti degli utenti di tutto il mondo. Numero verde per le segnalazioni:

UK inflation falls to lowest level in more than three years

The UK inflation rate fell to 1.7% in September, the lowest rate since April 2021.

settore 2024-10-16 06:00

FTX: Customers of failed crypto firm set for refunds

The agreement will put an end to a saga that started when the firm went bankrupt in November 2022.

settore 2024-10-07 21:05

Argentina records sharp rise in poverty

More than half of people in Argentina are now living in poverty, latest figures indicate.

settore 2024-09-27 11:55

IMF approves $7bn loan to Pakistan

Pakistan has taken more than 20 loans from the IMF since 1958 and is currently its fifth-largest debtor.

settore 2024-09-26 01:47

China unveils raft of stimulus measures to boost flagging economy

It comes just days after the US central bank cut interest rates for the first time in over four years.

settore 2024-09-24 05:56

Former Ticketmaster boss sentenced for hacking rival company CrowdSurge

British national Stephen Mead stole sensitive CrowdSurge data, contributing to the firms collapse.

settore 2024-09-12 17:46

Michel Barnier named by Macron as new French PM

French President Emmanuel Macron has named Michel Barnier as prime minister almost two months after Frances snap elections ended in political deadlock.

settore 2024-09-05 11:26

Markets slide as Nvidia shares plunge almost 10%

Stocks drop as disappointing US economic data dampened investor optimism about the AI boom.

settore 2024-09-04 02:15

Japan: Nearly 4,000 people found more than month after dying alone, report says

Of those 37,227 Japanese people who died alone in their homes in the first half of the year, some 3,939 went unnoticed for over a month.

settore 2024-08-30 12:06

EUR/USD and GBP/USD - Latest Sentiment Analysis and Positioning

Analyse current trader sentiment and discover who is going long and short, the percentage change over time, and whether market signals are bullish or bearish.

settore 2024-08-29 07:56

AI chip giant Nvidia\s shares sink despite record sales of $30bn

The California-based technology giant has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the AI boom.

settore 2024-08-29 00:13

USD/JPY and AUD/USD Latest Sentiment Analysis and Positioning

Analyse current trader sentiment and discover who is going long and short, the percentage change over time, and whether market signals are bullish or bearish.

settore 2024-08-27 08:00

EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and Gold – Latest Sentiment Analysis

Analyse current trader sentiment and discover who is going long and short, the percentage change over time, and whether market signals are bullish or bearish.

settore 2024-08-23 13:00

Japanese CPI and Ueda‘s Comments Prop up the Yen Ahead of Powell’s Address

Japanese inflation provided a slight surprise to the upside, helping the yen gain some ground on the dollar. Markets, however, look to Jerome Powells speech later today

settore 2024-08-23 08:20

Starbucks new boss under fire for 1,000-mile commute

Job offer which allows new CEO to commute to and from work on corporate jet sparked criticism.

settore 2024-08-22 04:28

EUR/USD and GBP/USD Rallies Fuelled by Ongoing US Dollar Weakness

The UD dollar continues to weaken ahead of today‘s FOMC minutes and Fed chair Jerome Powell’s Jackson Hole appearance on Friday

settore 2024-08-21 13:01

US Dollar Remains Weak Ahead of Jackson Hole, USD/JPY and Gold Latest

The US dollar is trading at levels last seen eight months ago as traders wait for Fed chair Jerome Powells Jackson Hole speech later this week.

settore 2024-08-19 13:00

7-Eleven owner gets buyout offer from Canada firm behind Circle K

Shares in Seven & i jumped by more than 20% following reports of the approach.

settore 2024-08-19 06:46

What are the 10 drugs negotiated by Medicare?

The Biden-Harris administration reached an agreement to cut the costs of 10 drugs for Medicare users.

settore 2024-08-15 17:11

Gold (XAU/USD) – Repeated Attempts at a Fresh All-Time High, US Retail Sales Weigh

Gold continues to test, and reject, its previous all-time high at $2,485/oz. and a break higher is being pared by a strong US retail sales report

settore 2024-08-15 13:17

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