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Spain|2-5 years|
High potential risk|


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C. Santa Isabel 5, Local 17, 28012 Madrid


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-10-23
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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ALEF · WikiFX Survey

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ALEF · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area N/A
Founded Year N/A
Company Name ALEF
Regulation Lacks valid regulation
Minimum Deposit N/A
Fees Fees charged for trading shares and selection processes
Trading Platforms Investor's Personal Platform
Tradable Assets Stocks, Bonds, ETFs
Account Types Fix Profit: Moderate risk, high returns, Dynamic Profit: Moderate risk, potential high returns
Demo Account N/A
Customer Support Email, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook
Payment Methods N/A
Educational Tools Trading Hub with educational resources and funding opportunities

Overview of ALEF

ALEF is an unregulated broker that offers trading in stocks, bonds, and ETFs. Due to the absence of valid regulation, caution is advised when dealing with this broker, as it introduces potential risks and uncertainties. Investors can trade stocks such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, as well as access bond trading with options like government and corporate bonds. Additionally, ALEF facilitates trading in ETFs, which represent a diversified portfolio of assets.

The broker provides two account types: Fix Profit and Dynamic Profit. The Fix Profit account offers an average annual return of 24% in euros, with a minimum investment term of one month and a 100% deposit guarantee. On the other hand, the Dynamic Profit account offers an average annual return ranging from 24% to 42% in euros, with an 80% deposit guarantee. Both account types allow investments in stocks, bonds, and ETFs.

To open an account with ALEF, individuals can start the registration process on the website by providing their citizenship, personal information, and contact details. ALEF charges fees for trading shares within a specific price range, and they offer the Investor's Personal Platform, a web trader for individual investors. They also provide educational resources through their Trading Hub, where traders can access a knowledge base and trading platforms for practice. Customer support is available through email, Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook, with a physical address in Madrid.


Pros and Cons

ALEF, a financial services provider, offers a range of advantages and drawbacks for potential investors. On the positive side, ALEF allows trading in various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs. They also provide two account types that cater to different risk and return preferences. The platform features a user-friendly web trader interface, particularly suitable for individual investors. Additionally, ALEF offers educational resources and support through their Trading Hub, facilitating learning and development. Moreover, the Fix Profit account provides a deposit guarantee of 100%, instilling confidence in investors. On the other hand, there are several downsides to consider. ALEF lacks valid regulation, which may raise concerns regarding the safety and transparency of their operations. The website also provides limited information overall, including details about the trading platform and the services offered. Furthermore, customer support is only available during restricted hours. Advanced trading tools are not available, limiting the options for experienced traders. Lastly, trading shares on NYSE and NASDAQ incurs additional fees, which may impact the overall cost of trading with ALEF.

Pros Cons
Offers trading in stocks, bonds, and ETFs Lacks valid regulation
Two account types with different risk and return profiles Limited information on the website overall
User-friendly web trader for individual investors Limited information about the trading platform
Educational resources and support through Trading Hub Absence of detailed information about services offered
Deposit guarantee of 100% for the Fix Profit account Limited customer support hours
Provides office space and coworking environment in Valencia No advanced trading tools available
Fees for trading shares on NYSE and NASDAQ required

Is ALEF Legit?

It is important to note that ALEF, the mentioned broker, lacks valid regulation at present. This absence of regulatory oversight should be taken into consideration, as it introduces potential risks. Caution is advised when engaging with this broker due to the uncertainty surrounding its operations and accountability.


Market Instruments

Stocks: ALEF offers trading in stocks, allowing investors to buy and sell shares of various companies. Examples of stocks available for trading may include Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.

Bonds: ALEF provides access to bond trading, enabling investors to engage in fixed-income securities. Bond options may include government bonds, corporate bonds, and bonds issued by other organizations.

ETFs: ALEF facilitates trading in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), which are investment funds traded on stock exchanges. ETFs represent a diversified portfolio of assets such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. Examples of ETFs available for trading through ALEF may include SPDR S&P 500 ETF, iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF, and Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Access to a wide range of stocks Limited types of market instruments
Opportunity to invest in diverse bond options Limited information on specific instruments offers
Availability of popular and diversified ETFs Limited information about the stocks and their fluctuations

Account Types


The Fix Profit offers an average annual return of 24% in euros, including costs. The minimum term of investment is one month, and the estimated monthly income is 2%. This account type allows investments in a range of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs. A notable feature is the deposit guarantee of 100%. The Fix Profit account is suitable for medium and large investments, offering a strategy with moderate risk and high returns.


ALEF's Dynamic Profit offers an average annual return ranging from 24% to 42% in euros, including costs. The minimum term of investment is one month, and the estimated monthly income is 3%. Similar to the Fix Profit account, the Dynamic Profit account allows investments in various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs. However, the deposit guarantee for this account type is set at 80%. The Dynamic Profit account is suitable for medium and large investments, offering a strategy with moderate risk and the potential for high returns.

Pros Cons
Average annual return ranging from 24% to 42% in euros, including costs. Minimum term of investment is one month.
Monthly income estimated at 2% to 3%. Moderate to higher risk strategies may not appeal to all investors.
Investments in a range of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs. Deposit guarantee ranges from 80% to 100%, potentially exposing investors to some level of risk.

How to Open an Account?

  1. Click on the “Start investing” button.


2. Complete the registration process by providing your citizenship or permanent residence country.

3. Enter your name and surname exactly as they appear on your passport.

4. Provide your date of birth in the format: year/month/day.

5. Enter your email address (e.g., and phone number (including the country code).


6. Choose a password and repeat it for confirmation.

7. Indicate how you heard about ALEF by entering your response.

8. Briefly describe yourself and your activities (optional).

9. If you have a referral code, enter it in the designated field.

10. Agree to the Privacy Policy and the terms of use of the site.

11. Finally, click on the “Register” button to complete the account opening process.



ALEF charges fees for trading shares on NYSE and NASDAQ within the preferred price range of $10 to $150. Participation in the Forex selection process costs €200, refundable upon completion. For the US Stock Market selection, the cost is €300, also refundable.

Deposit & Withdrawal

When depositing funds with ALEF, customers have the option to transfer their funds to the company's team of traders for trust management. Trading activities are conducted on a daily basis in financial markets, with investor income derived from trading profits. The profit amount for the SAFE and FIX strategies is fixed, whereas for the DYNAMIC strategy, the company commission can reach up to 50%. To initiate a fund withdrawal, customers can create a request through the “Balance” section of their investor account. Withdrawals are processed on the first day of the subsequent month, and funds are typically transferred within 5-10 business days. During this time, the funds remain active and continue to accrue interest.

Pros Cons
Option for trust management by the company's team of traders. High commission for the DYNAMIC strategy (up to 50%).
Daily trading activities in financial markets. Withdrawals processed on the first day of the subsequent month.
Funds continue to accrue interest during the withdrawal process. Funds transfer may take 5-10 business days.

Trading Platforms

ALEF offers the Investor's Personal Platform, which is a user-friendly web trader designed for individual investors. Opening an account is a quick process, taking only 5 minutes. To get started, users need to fill out a simple form, select a suitable management strategy, and fund their investment account. However, detailed information about this platform is not available on the website.

Pros Cons
Quick account opening process Lack of detailed platform information
User-friendly web trader No alternative platforms available
Suitable for individual investors

Educational Resources

ALEF offers a range of educational resources through their Trading Hub. Traders gain access to a comprehensive knowledge base and trading platforms that allow them to practice their trading skills. Additionally, talented traders can apply for a desk and receive funding from ALEF. The Trading Hub also provides office space in Valencia, serving as a coworking environment where traders can enhance their results and learn from like-minded individuals. The educational platform offered by ALEF allows traders to learn at their own pace and provides support during the evaluation stage.


The pricing for Hub access options varies based on the duration of the trader's engagement with ALEF, starting at 300 EUR for the first month, reducing to 200 EUR for the 2nd and 3rd months, and further decreasing to 100 EUR after the 4th month. The Hub provides amenities such as a trader workstation, access to the educational platform, and a breakout area with complimentary coffee and tea during weekdays from 11 am to 8 pm.


Customer Support

ALEF offers customer support through various channels. You can reach them via email at Additionally, they are available for support through Telegram and Instagram with the handle @AlefTradersSupport. Their customer support hours are from 09:00 to 21:00 Madrid time, and they are closed on Sundays. If you prefer to contact them through social media, they have a Facebook page at You can also visit their physical address located at C. Santa Isabel 5, Local 17, 28012 Madrid.



In conclusion, ALEF, the mentioned broker, currently lacks valid regulation, which introduces potential risks and uncertainty regarding its operations and accountability. It offers trading in a variety of market instruments such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs, providing investors with options for diversification. ALEF offers two account types, Fix Profit and Dynamic Profit, suitable for medium and large investments, with moderate risk and the potential for high returns. The registration process is straightforward, and ALEF provides customer support through multiple channels. However, detailed information about the trading platform is not available on the website. ALEF also offers educational resources through their Trading Hub, with pricing options based on the duration of engagement.


Q: Is ALEF a regulated broker?

A: No, ALEF currently lacks valid regulation, which poses potential risks.

Q: What financial instruments can I trade with ALEF?

A: ALEF offers trading in stocks, bonds, and ETFs.

Q: What are the account types offered by ALEF?

A: ALEF offers the Fix Profit and Dynamic Profit accounts.

Q: What fees does ALEF charge?

A: ALEF charges fees for trading shares on NYSE and NASDAQ, as well as participation in the Forex and US Stock Market selection processes.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds with ALEF?

A: Customers can deposit funds and choose trust management. Withdrawals can be initiated through the “Balance” section of the investor account.

Q: What trading platform does ALEF offer?

A: ALEF offers the Investor's Personal Platform, but detailed information is not available on the website.

Q: What educational resources does ALEF provide?

A: ALEF offers a Trading Hub with a knowledge base, trading platforms, and funding opportunities for talented traders.

Q: How can I contact ALEF's customer support?

A: You can contact ALEF's customer support through email, Telegram, Instagram, or visit their physical address in Madrid.

Q: Is ALEF recommended for investment?

A: The decision to invest with ALEF should be made with caution due to the lack of regulatory oversight and associated risks.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Company website
Phone of the company






Company address
  • C. Santa Isabel 5, Local 17, 28012 Madrid









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary


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