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Ventezo कंपनी ने मेरे 11,700 अमेरिकी डॉलर की निकासी नहीं भेजी है।
Ventezo company has not sent my 11.700 usd withdrawal
The ventezo company, which I have been trading for 3-4 months, has not sent my withdrawal for the last 32 days, I have a withdrawal of 11.700 usd and when I contact them from live support, they tell me to wait and be patient, I have been waiting for 32 days and they still tell me that I have to wait, they do not send my money, at first they told me that they would delay your money because there was a problem with the trc20 network, then they say that there are many withdrawals in the company and I have to wait.
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